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About Biophilic Designs
& The Benefits


What does Biophilic Design mean?

Biophilic design encourages the use of natural elements and processes as design inspiration in the built environment. The idea behind this is that exposure to natural environments and features have positive effects on human health and wellbeing, which has been supported in a wealth of research. According to the Biophilia hypothesis, these positive effects of exposure to nature originate in a biological bond between humans and the natural world. - MDPI


The Benefits

Biophilic design has been found to support cognitive function, physical health, and psychological well-being. Since the average American spends 90 percent of their life indoors, increasing biophilia in the built environment would have significant results. - NRDC


What the experts are saying...

The World Health Organisation expects stress related illness, such as mental health disorders and cardio-vascular disease, to be the two largest contributors to disease by 2020. With a diminished connection to nature, the increasing pressure on urban space & the ubiquitous technological presence we have less opportunity to recuperate our mental and physical energy. Incorporating direct or indirect elements of nature into the built environment have been demonstrated through research to reduce stress, blood pressure levels and heart rates, whilst increasing productivity, creativity and self reported rates of well-being. - Forest Homes

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